Anne Arundel County Youth Lacrosse Association (AACYLA)


Amended 1/1/2016

(The By-Laws contained in this document replace and supersede all other By-Laws previously generated by this organization) 


Article I – Name, Statement of Purpose and Mission

  1. The name of this organization shall be Anne Arundel County Youth Lacrosse Association (AACYLA) or the Association;
  2. The purpose of AACYLA shall be to promote boys recreational lacrosse activities for the benefit of the residents of Anne Arundel County in partnership with Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks;
  3. The mission of AACYLA is to foster the principles of fair play, good sportsmanship, competitive spirit, tolerance and friendship through the sport of boys lacrosse in and around Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

Article II – General Membership

(AACYLA should follow all guidelines in the Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks Guidelines and Reference Manual.) 


  1. The General Membership is made up of Accredited boys recreational lacrosse programs throughout Anne Arundel County;
  2. An Accredited program is recognized by the Association and the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks as a legitimate recreational boys lacrosse program that promotes the mission of AACYLA;
  3. Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks will maintain a list of Accredited recreational boys lacrosse programs recognized by the Association and the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks;
  4. Each Accredited program is eligible to vote on any motion brought forward at any Association General Membership meeting;
  5. Each Accredited program is considered ONE member of the Association;
  6. Programs must also maintain a “Good Standing” status within the Association;
  7. A program in “Good Standing” demonstrates principles considered by Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks, the Board and the Association to be responsible and professional;
  8. The Board, in conjunction with Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks, with a 2/3 majority vote of the Association, has the authority to withhold the status of “Good Standing” from an organization and place appropriate sanctions;
  9. A Accredited program may submit a motion(s) at any Association General Membership meeting(s);
  10. Association membership shall be open to any Accredited organization regardless of race, creed, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Article III – Governing Body


  1. The Board of Directors (Officers) shall be the governing body of the Association and the final authority on all matters under the Association’s jurisdiction, and shall establish and implement policy, review and approve the Association’s budget, establish fees (if applicable), review and approve all Association’s activities, take counsel with Association’s committees, develop and administer appropriate sanctions for Accredited Programs, and perform as appropriate such other related functions authorized in or required by these By-laws;  The Association President and/or an Association Designee will be the only point of contact with the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks and/or an officials organization ;
  2. The Board shall consist of:  four (4) officers, the President, the Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Association President has the authority to appoint an Accredited Program representative as an At Large Board Member.  When possible a representative from the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks will be present for General Association meetings.  Associate Board members will consist of a representative from each Accredited Program.
  3. Officers are elected by the General Association.  The Officers may only serve four (4) consecutive one-year terms in the same office;
  4. The Officers have the authority to create committees for the purpose of Association business;
  5. Committee members should be made up of members of the Association from Accredited Programs in “Good Standing”; 
  6. Committee business may be delegated by a Committee Chairperson;
  7. Any committee created and given the authority to use Association funds will present a detailed budget to Association Officers for approval;
  8. Any expenditure of $1,000.00 or more will require a 2/3 majority vote by the Association;
  9. Voting by the Association may be completed via e-mail.

Article IV – Election of the Board


  1. During the last year of an Officers appointment, the President shall notify the Association that new officers shall be elected, this should take place at the September General Association meeting;
  2. Voting may be completed via e-mail and all Accredited  Programs has the ability to vote as long as the program is considered by the Association as being in “Good Standing”;
  3. Upon the vacancy of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the office; 
  4. Any Association Officer may be removed for cause by a 2/3 majority vote of the Association;
  5. The reason for the removal of any officer by the Association will be explained  in writing and a copy will be sent to the Director of the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks;
  6. All Association Officers shall assume duties at the September General Association meeting;
  7. The Association has the authority to automatically replace an Officer for four (4) consecutive absences from Association meetings (excluding special meetings);
  8. The President of the Association will nominate an Officer for the unexpired term of any Association Officer and allow the Association to vote on this replacement with a 2/3 majority vote.

Article V – Duties of the Officers


  1. The duties of the Association’s Officers shall be as follows:
  • President – the President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall schedule and preside at all meetings.  The President shall serve as the Board and Association spokesperson, maintain a harmonious relationship with Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks, the public and enforce decisions by the Officers, and provide leadership in the controlled development of the Association.  The President shall have NO vote unless in the event of a tie.  The President shall appoint a vacant Chairperson position and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees.  Where appropriate the President may delegate his/her duties as long as he/she maintains oversight and ultimate responsibility.  The President shall be responsible for presenting to the Association an audited annual financial statement of the Association; the President shall maintain a healthy working relationship with Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks representative(s) and inform the department on Association business as necessary.  Establish a “Chain of Command” for all Association business.  The President of the Association and or his/her designee will be the ONLY point of contact with Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks, the Officials Association and the Board of Education. Commissioners of Accredited Programs should speak directly to the Association’s President and/or Vice-President.  Commissioners and coaches will not speak directly with Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks, Officials Association or the Board of Education concerning Association business;   
  • Vice-President – The Vice-President shall preside at all meetings in the President’s absence, he/she shall perform duties of the President should the President be unable to perform duties and shall assist the President as a liaison between all Accredited  Programs and  Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks;  
  • Treasure – The Treasure shall collect all monies for the Association; the Treasure shall have custody of all funds of the Association, which will be deposited into an account approved by the Association’s Officers; any expenditures will receive approval of all Association Officers; any expenditure over $1,000.00 will require 2/3 majority vote of the Association; the treasure shall maintain an itemized account of all receipts; expenditures; and present a report at every meeting of the Officers and the General Association; The treasure shall immediately produce all financial records upon the request of the President or the majority of the Association’s Officers;
  • Secretary – The Secretary shall record ALL meetings of the Association and the Officers; Association meeting minutes will be posted on the Association’s website; which shall be read for correction and approval at the next General Association meeting; the Secretary shall also prepare all Association correspondences as directed by the Officers; the Secretary will ensure that all Association’s Commissioners have completed the background check required by Anne Arundel County.

Article VI – Meetings


Association Officer’s meetings – The Association’s Officers will meet a minimum of four (4) times per year.  Two of these meetings may be part of the General Association’s meetings.  All Officers are required, upon notification from the President, to attend these predetermined quarterly meetings.  Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or by a 2/3 majority of the Officers.  Officers will supply as much notice as possible to any Officer requiring their attendance at such meetings.  A simple majority of the Officers shall constitute the quorum necessary to conduct business.  A record of meeting will be maintain by the Secretary and disseminated to the Association as necessary;

General Association meetings:

  • PRE-SEASON PLANNING MEETING I - (October-November): MANDATORY for ALL Accredited Program Commissioners (Or a designated representative) - There shall be a pre-season planning meeting of the General Association.  All Accredited programs are required to attend.  This meeting will be available for the installation of Association Officers.  This meeting will establish protocol for the upcoming Spring lacrosse season and conduct any other necessary business of the Association.  A schedule of events will be created and particular matters of interest involving Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks will be established.  A representative from Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks will be in attendance.
  • ASSOCIATION OFFICER’S MEETING WITH ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS - (Immediately following the Pre-season Planning Meeting I): The Association’s President  will schedule a meeting with  Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks in November to discuss AACYLA’s start of the season, referees, discipline, sanctions, and Accredited  Programs.
  • PRE-SEASON PLANNING MEETING II - (  February - March):  MANDATORY for ALL Accredited  Program Commissioners (Or a designated representative) – This meeting will define seasons parameters as discussed in Pre-Season Planning I meeting and the initial meeting with Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks;  
  • Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks  will conduct a MANDATORY coaches meeting in MARCH.  THIS IS A MANDATORY MEETING FOR ALL COACHES.  All coaches must attend.  Commissioners of Accredited Programs will supply the Association President and Association Secretary with an e-mail which coaches were in attendance.  Also, contained in this e-mail will be a certification from the Commissioner that any coaches missing the Coaches Meeting have received this information.  The Secretary will record all e-mails.  This meeting will be attended by all commissioners of Accredited Programs, a representative of the referee’s association and a representative from Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks;
  • IN SEASON REVIEW/PLAYOFFS (May) – This is a MANDATORY meeting for all Accredited Program Commissioners (Or a designated representative).  Discussions conducted at this meeting should center on the progression of the season and the proper handling of playoffs/tournaments;  
  • During the Month of June, Association Officers will conduct a “Post Season” meeting.  The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the past season and draft preliminary changes necessary to develop growth in the Association.  The Association’s Officers will determine who is necessary to attend this meeting;  
  • The President has the authority to call any Special Meetings of the General Association or at the written request of any Accredited  Program Commissioner.  The President has the authority to honor this meeting request;
  • All mandatory meetings of the Association require a two week notification process.  E-mail notification is acceptable;
  • All meetings, except emergency/special meetings, will be posted on the Association’s website and e-mailed to all Accredited Program Commissioners.  All meetings, except for emergency/special meetings, will be sent to Accredited Program Commissioners two weeks prior to the meeting taken place.  IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF An Accredited PROGRAM COMMISSIONER TO FIND A REPLACEMENT FOR HIS/HER PROGRAM FOR ABSECENCS FOR ALL MANDATORY MEETINGS.  All meetings, except emergency/special meetings will be on the Associations calendar of events.   

Article VI – Meetings Sanctions


  • There is a total of four MANDATORY meetings for Commissioners of a Accredited Program (Or his/her designee).  Officers have the authority to place sanctions on Accredited Programs for Commissioners missing mandatory meetings;
  • Sanctions placed on an Accredited Program for missing mandatory meetings will be discussed and voted on by the Association Officers;
  • The Association’s Secretary will record the sanction discussions and provide a written statement of the facts to an Accredited  Program’s Commissioner justifying the sanction via e-mail;
  • The Officer’s have the authority to place specific sanctions on Accredited  Programs for missing mandatory meetings such as Playoff consideration, reasonable fines (Up to $100.00), home field advantages, limitations on All-Star games and losing  voting status within the General Association.

Article VIII – Discipline/Appeal Process


  1. The Officer’s of the Association shall establish a policy and procedures which shall provide for and govern the resolution of complaints and grievances for Accredited Programs in an equitable and expeditious manner, and which shall provide notice to all members of the board of all complaints and grievances filed;
  2. The Officer’s of the Association shall establish policies and procedures in such other subject areas as necessary;
  3. The Association Officer’s shall provide for and the Association’s Secretary shall maintain a system of records which shall contain a comprehensive, understandable and accessible codification of all actions undertaken by the Associations Officer’s and General Association members, all policies, procedures and resolutions adopted, such other documents and information which are related to AACYLA activities;
  4. All records of the Association are property of the Association, and any voting member of the Association shall have the right, upon reasonable notice, to access any such record or request a copy is made at the expense of the voting member.  Records shall remain in the physical possession of the Board;
  5. The Appeal process will begin with a complete account of the circumstances surrounding the event.  The Head Coach of the team will forward an e-mail to the Commissioner of the program by COB the next business day which can be forwarded to the Associations’ President and/or Vice-President.  The Association’s President and/or Vice President will confer with the Association’s representative to  Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks and discuss the matter.  Should the appeal of county sanctioned discipline need to proceed higher than the Association’s county representative, the Association’s President and/or Vice-President will make contact with Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks upper management;       
  6. Association policies and procedures adopted under this Article shall remain in effect unless and until amended by the Association.
  7. The General Association will adhere to any policy governing fair play endorsed by Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks.  Specific guidelines for discipline will be followed: 
  • Forfeiting Games; 
  • A coach/player being ejected from a game; 
  • Parent/Family member/spectator misconduct at a game; 
  • Roster violations; 
  • Teams playing in leagues other than Anne Arundel County; 

Article VII – Level of Play


  1. Each Accredited Organization will field teams in Anne Arundel County and participate in league play; 
  2. Each Accredited Organization will submit a roster for each team in each age group (excluding Scoopers) to the County as required.  It is the responsibility of the head coach to have a copy of the team’s roster in his possession during games.

Article VIII – Amendments


  1. These by-laws may be amended by the Association at any General Association meeting at which is a duly constituted quorum, and shall become effective immediately upon a favorable 2/3 majority vote;
  2. Proposal to amend all or part of these By-laws may be made by the Officer’s or by written petition of at least 12 voting Accredited  programs within the Association, and must be conveyed to the Secretary who shall ensure that the President is notified of any such proposal;
  3. The President shall call for a General Association meeting upon receipt of the proposed By-Laws change.  Should this proposed By-laws change occur in-season, a conversation may be initiated by the President and completed via e-mail.  In the case of the President being unavailable the Vice-President will be notified;
  4. The Secretary shall distribute a copy of any such proposal to amend the By-laws to each of the voting members of the General Association immediately.  The Secretary may distribute the notice of the proposal to amend the By-laws by electronic mail and by posting amendments of the Association’s website.

Article VIIII – Distribution of Assets


  1. No member of the Association shall have, as an individual, any interest or title to the assets of the Association;
  2. In the event of dissolution or other termination of the Association, all assets shall be assigned to an institution selected by Association members that qualify for tax exemption under applicable sections of the United States Internal Revenue Code.